Nightmare Scenarios

Where do nightmares originate?

Is there a part of us that stimulates the part of our brain that creates nightmares?

Did we have an experience that keeps replaying in our head until we build a nightmare around this experience?

Nightmares can slip out of our beds and follow us nearly anywhere.

What is the message of a nightmare?

If nightmares come from parts of us, it may be vitally important that we get the message they bear.

Nightmares, whatever the kind, show us what dangers can be present.

If isolation is identified inside the nightmares, it can be and needs to be dealt with. If there is too much isolation, even if our life is crowded, it is time to act. Isolation, even if used only briefly within relationships, can be extremely distressing.

Let’s learn what we can do about it. What is of utmost importance is that we not be in isolation a moment too long.

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